We're busy! When the band is out there performing, the team is out there shooting. We don't want to miss a single moment, so here's where you can find all of the shots from all of the events we're covering. Check back, it changes often.
Did you catch some photos from our current season? Most of our albums are open to sharing. Click here to add your photos or short videos to this season.
Remaining Events
Want to contribute? Click here to add your photos or short videos to this season.
This is what we plan to shoot for the remainder of the GHSBand Marching season. When photos are delivered, they will appear as an event card and an album above, and disappear from this list.
New events will be added constantly! We will always hope for State Marching Contest, and there will be other surprises. Keep checking back for the latest plans.
For a full calendar of Georgetown High School Band and Guard events, please see their official website at